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TOP 3 Induscabos: Installer’s Favorites

Bem-vindo ao TOP 3 Induscabos!

We have the honor to present to you the most important award in the history of this article so far. The TOP 3 Induscabos Cables will show you three of the most sought-after cables in the company’s sales. The month’s finalists in the category are listed below, but a little spoiler: everyone wins in the final awards ceremony 🏆

Eproflex 90 0.6/1 kV, installers’ favorite.

The Eproflex 90 0.6/1 kV cable is the favorite of installers due to its flexibility and performance. Its HEPR insulation allows operation up to 90 °C in continuous use or 130 °C in emergency use, and it can be installed in the air on trays, cable trays, or cable ducts, in channels on the ground, or even buried directly in the ground or in conduits.

It also withstands humid environments and water covering up to 1 meter without any issues. The PVC covering protects 1 to 5 insulated conductors gathered and color-coded, with flame-retardant properties. The ground conductor can be provided with a reduced section, always in compliance with the NBR 5410 standard for Low Voltage Electrical Installations.

To learn about dimensions, masses, current-carrying capacity, voltage drop, or short-circuit level supported by each section, consult our complete catalog of Low Voltage Cables, available for download on our website.

The best in the “non-halogenated” category: Atox Flex 750

Leading the ranking of cables for underground stations, we have it: Atox Flex 750 Cable. Often in underground and even surface metros, there is a need to cover a long distance between the station and the street, making it challenging to evacuate people in case of a fire. Therefore, it is essential that the materials used in the construction are safe and do not pose health risks.

The modern technology used in the manufacturing of Atox cables (halogen-free) ensures low emission of smoke from toxic gases, providing an excellent technical and also very economical alternative for electrical installations in buildings where there is a high concentration of people. Customers trust, experts recommend, and the market recognizes!

Duflex 750, end-to-end technology

To access the complete portfolio of Induscabos, visit our website!

Duflex Cables are especially recommended for panel wiring, control panels, and other applications that require cables with great flexibility and easy handling during installation. Here are some features that make Duflex cable so technological and ideal for installations:

FIRE-RETARDANT CABLE: More safety for your home’s electrical installation, buildings, among others.

DOUBLE-LAYER: More resistant and extra slippery.

SUPER FLEXIBLE: Easier to install.

ELECTROLYTIC COPPER – 99.99% PURITY: Better electricity conduction, more savings on your electricity bill

PAINT MARKING: Facilitates identification, even after installation.

GUARANTEED QUALITY: Manufactured by the largest Brazilian industry of high, medium, and low-voltage electrical wires and cables. Induscabos is approved in all energy concessionaires in Brazil, and it supplies cables to the country’s major industrial segments.


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