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+55 (11) 4634 - 9000

Sustainability Code of the induscabos system.

Induscabos works every day to ensure that the processes that take place in the company are sustainable, in accordance with the levels required by environmental standards, and is always concerned about the health and safety of employees, customers and the environment.

That’s why we invest daily in ways to minimise the environmental impacts that occur in the manufacture of our wires and cables, thinking about the entire internal production chain and the external market.

In order to receive all waste considered hazardous, we have set up the Induscabos Ecopoint, where it is correctly disposed of. As well as sending more than 90 per cent of our waste for recycling, we correctly dispose of contaminated waste, for example: plastic packaging contaminated with oil and grease, fabrics soiled with oil and cleaning products.

Batteries, light bulbs, batteries, contaminated packaging – in other words, electronic waste and all hazardous waste that could contaminate the environment – are separated at the Ecopoint for correct disposal.

As well as waste, we also work to reduce the consumption of our natural resources, such as water. We work with closed-circuit circulation tanks, where water is 100 per cent reused, and we use the LAIA tool – Environmental Aspects and Impacts Surveys – to map risks.

Com o objetivo de conter o aumento do aquecimento global, a redução da poluição atmosférica é também uma preocupação diária aqui na Induscabos, fazemos a medição aleatória nos níveis de fumaça preta dos veículos, e orientamos nossos fornecedores a não transitar com veículos que possam aumentar a poluição ambiental.

Nossa preocupação em ser uma empresa sustentável vai além dos limites da Induscabos, proporcionando cuidado, saúde e segurança para todas as partes do processo de fabricação e venda dos cabos que produzimos. Acreditamos que com pequenas ações, geramos grandes resultados e isso nos faz ser a escolha de quem conhece.

With the aim of curbing the increase in global warming, reducing atmospheric pollution is also a daily concern here at Induscabos. We take random measurements of black smoke levels from vehicles and advise our suppliers not to drive vehicles that could increase environmental pollution.

Our concern to be a sustainable company goes beyond the boundaries of Induscabos, providing care, health and safety for all parts of the manufacturing process and the sale of the cables we produce. We believe that small actions generate big results and this makes us the choice of those in the know.

We recycle over 90% of our waste #caboseletricos