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Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution

All sectors Agribusiness Construction and Infrastructure General Industry Renewable Energy Mining Industry Oil and Gas Power Genaration, Transmission and Distribution Pulp and Paper Resale and Distribution Our main certificates Energy utilities use their own specifications, but they always comply with Brazilian standards. The material and flexibility class of the conductor, the insulation and covering polymers […]


Sustainability Code of the induscabos system. Induscabos works every day to ensure that the processes that take place in the company are sustainable, in accordance with the levels required by environmental standards, and is always concerned about the health and safety of employees, customers and the environment. That’s why we invest daily in ways to […]

Induscabos awarded by CEMIG as one of its best suppliers.

In 2013, CEMIG – Cemig, reference company in Brazil and the world in the energy sector, has awarded Induscabos the 5th consecutive time for compliance with the requirements that ensure the efficiency of the quality of its production process controls as well as compliance with health and safety requirements and environmental, checked in industrial technical […]